Gradekeeper will ease a teacher’s job by allowing keeping track of the students’ performance and generating automatic reports. It is unlikely that you need much assistance to start using this application right away. In fact, its work area looks very similar to common paper gradebooks and it will also help if you are already familiar with popular datasheet applications, like Excel.
If you prefer, you can start by setting a new class. All you have to do is to click on the item you want to enter and type the new text. In addition, there are some parameters that you need to configure before you can start to enter the students’ grades, like assignment categories, grading scale, letter grades, special scores and attendance codes.
The rest of the information can be entered directly in the data sheets. Adding student names is as easy as clicking one of the empty cells on the student name column and type the new name. Then, before you insert grades, you need to configure a new assignment by clicking the assignment name field and entering the date, name, categories and possible points. As you enter the grades, this application will calculate the average grade for each student. You can also use special spaces to enter final exam results.
Three types of reports are available. Besides the gradebook, the program will also help you keep track of your students’ attendance and there is even a seating chart. The application will let you export your data using various methods, such as exporting to text, to the web or to different types of school data centers. It will also allow publishing the results or sending emails to the parents or to the students themselves.